Patient Access is a multi-step process

Ensuring reimbursement is difficult

you know

Did you know that there should be
1 full-time employee dedicated
to prior authorizations for every 2.7 physicians?
Yet only 30% of physicians report having practice staff for PA processing.

Do you have the necessary Prior Authorization Certified Specialists on your team to assist in minimizing PA burden?

How many prior authorization staff does your health facility need?

2.7 Physicians = 1 Prior Authorization Employee


Dedicated Prior Authorization Employees needed:


The Prior Authorization Certified Specialist Program

The Prior Authorization Certified Specialist certification is the first of its kind. It assesses basic competencies and sets the standard in the industry. With 12 online, self-paced preparatory modules, you can be assured that your team will substantiate their prior authorization and reimbursement processing experience by passing the board exam.

  • Gain valuable access to inside knowledge and expertise from the patient-facing clinical roles, Pharmacy Benefits Managers, Medical Benefits Managers, Radiology Benefits Managers, health plans, or pharmaceutical reimbursement
  • Understand restrictive utilization management practices
  • Elevates motivation and confidence in day-to-day processing
  • Ensure the highest level of standards and knowledge for your staff
  • Promote new business by displaying that staff are certified
  • Increase provider satisfaction by reducing their administrative burden
  • Promote new business through increased patient and provider satisfaction

Approvability of prescription medications and services

Patient Access to necessary care

Patient compliance rates

Provider and patient satisfaction

After becoming PACS Certified, your team can:

Decrease time for claim processing

Navigate step therapy requirements

Reduce out of pocket costs

Avoid treatment abandonment

Ensure continuity of care and minimize non-medical switching

Improve patient outcomes and satisfaction

Take Action NOW

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