#1 prior authorization training

Certify your access & reimbursement specialists with PACS


Step therapy

Pricing & reimbursement

Drug utilization reviews

Market access

Service line & medication prior auth

PACS® professionals from over 250+ companies

  • GSK
  • UCB
  • Neurocrine
  • CVS
  • sanofi

Because medicine only matters if the patient has access to it...

The current challenge

Prior Authorizations are a costly step in patient access

Prior Authorizations contribute to care delay

Prior Authorizations are complex transactions

The benefits of certifying with the PACS program

Improve patient & market access

Reduce HCP barriers to prescribing your product

Minimize risk and improve compliance

Stand out from the competition and demonstrate your expertise with HCPs

Benefits of providing certification to your teams

The fastest growing segment of the pharmaceutical industry is specialty pharmacy. By the year 2020, it is estimated that specialty drugs will represent 50% of drug cost reaching an astronomical cost of 400 billion or 9.1% of national health spending for only 2% to 4% of the US population.Future growth trajectories of specialty medications are expected to continue to grow at a very rapid rate.

Because of the rapid increase and demands in the prior authorization field in healthcare, more and more specialty pharmacies are providing the service of submitting prior authorizations on behalf of the providers and patients. It is imperative that the highest level of excellence in training, knowledge and execution of the PA process is attained for their staff.

The PACS program may help:

  • Ensure the highest level of standards and knowledge for your staff
  • Promote new business by displaying that staff are certified
  • Reduce time spent on each request
  • Increase Approval rates
  • Gain knowledge of Insurance plan's guidelines
  • Increase patient satisfaction with higher approval rates
  • Increase patient compliance rates
  • Increase provider satisfaction by reducing their administrative burden
  • Promote new business through increased patient and provider satisfaction

Based on a 27-question survey administered by the American Medical Association, medical practices spend an average of two business days a week per physician on Prior Authorizations. On Average, this translates to 29.1 PA requests per physician per week that take 14.6 hours to process. Approximately half of prior authorization request are for medical services and half for medications. This can cost over $85,000 per year to support a full-time physician. Over 30 percent of practices employ a full-time employee that has dedicated all their time on Prior authorizations.

By choosing to certify your staff, you are choosing to make a great investment. You are choosing to educate your staff with the most comprehensive training program in the world. Achieving the PACS demonstrates the highest standards of knowledge, and excellence in the prior authorization field for both medications and medical services.

Through educating your staff on this rapidly growing and changing field, you can choose to make a major impact on your practice.

The PACS program may help:

  • Increase efficiency of your practice
  • Reduce administrative time
  • Increase approval rates
  • Increase patient satisfaction
  • Better patient outcomes
  • Increase medication compliance
  • Increase patient compliance rates
  • Save money
  • Reduce time spent on appeals and denials

There are many people who are involved in initiating the prior authorization requests for the patient that may be admitted in a hospital or has outpatient services. Whether your staff includes, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, case managers, clerical staff, medical assistants, administrators or dedicated prior authorization specialists, the PACS can be beneficial and an investment. Often, the medical services and medications that require a prior authorization can be very expensive and difficult to achieve. If a prior authorization is denied, and the service has already been given, a Hospital may lose revenue. By properly training your staff with the highest level of standards and knowledge in the PACS program, you are investing in your staff, Hospital and patients.

The PACS program may help:

  • Ensure the highest level of standards and knowledge for your staff
  • Promote new business by displaying that staff are certified
  • Reduce time spent on each request
  • Increase Approval rates
  • Gain knowledge of Insurance plan's guidelines
  • Increase patient satisfaction with higher approval rates
  • Increase patient compliance rates of medications
  • Increase provider satisfaction by reducing their administrative burden
  • Reduce lost revenue from denied claims
  • Increase access of approved medical services to patients that require a prior authorization

It is no secret that the prior authorization field is a highly demanding, changing and growing field. Given the demands of turn around times for processing requests and seasonal variances in requests with enrollees, it becomes challenging for the payer to keep up at times. A health care plan's quality and performance rating can be reduced when prior authorization requests are not processed in the given time frame. With the wide, seasonal and sometimes unpredictable market changes in prior authorization demands on a health plan, the payer (insurance company) is forced to hire temporary employees or contractors. Often times, the temporary employees have no knowledge or experience in prior authorizations, which can lead to hiring unqualified staff. Many times, this can result in a high turn over rate due to mistakes, slow processing times and inefficiencies. On average, a temporary or contracted employee will need 4 to 6 weeks of training before starting and may end up only working an additional 3 to 6 months. As a result, health plans lose a substantial amount of money on training, inefficiencies in the process and high turn-over rates of staff. There is also a greater risk of losing quality and performance ratings with unqualified staff.

By choosing to certify your staff, you are choosing to make a great investment. You are choosing to educate your staff with the most comprehensive training program in the world. Achieving the PACS demonstrates the highest standards of knowledge, and excellence in the prior authorization field.

The PACS program may help:

  • Insure that your staff is qualified before investing time and money in Insurance specific training
  • Reduce Insurance specific training
  • Reduce inefficiency
  • Reduce risk of losing quality and performance ratings
  • Filter unqualified staff prior to hiring
  • Increase customer satisfaction (members)
  • Save money
  • Promote new business by displaying that staff are certified
  • Ensure the highest level of standards and knowledge for your staff
  • Increase patient compliance
  • Better patient outcomes
  • Increase productivity time of staff

Nothing can be more challenging to a sales representative who is given a medication in a territory with prior authorization restrictions. Although the physician may prefer his/her product, they many not prescribe it in order to avoid the burden of the PA. By addressing the challenges of the PA, a pharmaceutical company may yield tangible and substantial benefits.

Below is an excerpt “Tackling the Prior Authorization Challenge: A Critical Task for Pharma” published May 4, 2017

“For example, a sales representative took over a territory that had severe PA restrictions. While physicians preferred her product, they frequently switched to other formulary drugs to avoid the hassle of prior authorization. At the outset, this territory ranked 141 st in sales out of 150 territories nationally. After introducing practices to a PA service, practices in the territory developed a higher comfort level, knowing that the PA burden was being handled for them. As a result, this representative was able to increase sales while building strong relationships with practices, resulting in a climb to the 6 th ranked territory in the U.S providing their customers with the best PA solution is an effective approach to saving prescriptions and handling one of the most frequent and important barriers to physician prescribing and patient access.”

By providing the PACS training to your staff, you are choosing to make a great investment.

The PACS program may help:

  • Ensure the highest level of standards and knowledge for your sales representatives
  • Educate your sales representatives on prior authorizations and how they relate to their product
  • Give your sales representatives a background on healthcare related topics
  • Reducing the barriers of physician prescribing their product
  • Increase sales and revenue
  • Building a reputation as an expert
  • Building strong relationships with practices
  • Increasing the potential for future business of other sales products

Don't take our word for it. Trust our customers

"I had a great experience! In terms of the program and design, the content is great. I am already seeing benefits in my role. There are things that I learned in the PACS program that I'm using in my conversations with the physicians and nurses. There is tremendous value in the PACS program.”"

anil audit

Anil Bulchandani



Prior authorizations are not a multiple choice test that if you put in enough right answers you ll pass and get an approval. The PACS course explained not just the why of the process, but the importance of all the pieces that make up the why. I would recommend this course to anyone involved with the authorization process to better grasp the steps and refresh their skills. I thought I was pretty savvy when it came to prior authorizations but this certification allowed me to further demonstrate my knowledge and skill set.

Elizabeth Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson CEO - MedicoCX



It was a great experience. It enhanced my learning about payers and it enhanced my ability to perform my day-to-day job.

Sandra Arnold

Sandra Arnold

Reimbursement Specialist

The PACS Program is designed very well. It helped me sharpen my skills in this area. Overall great course and great learning experiences. There are so many topics that helped me clear my concepts and I will definitely implement that during my routine job.

Jayshree Patil

Jayshree Patil

Coordinator, Prior Authorization

The PACS program was both comprehensive and insightful. The modules were broken down into appropriate segments and together they gave a wonderful view of the entire prior authorization landscape. It was extremely easy to navigate and user-friendly even down to the very responsive chat function!

Kristen Hawthorne

Kristen Hawthorne

Access and Reimbursement Manager

After becoming PACS® your team can:

Decrease time for claim processing

Navigate step therapy requirements

Reduce out of pocket costs

Avoid treatment abandonment

Ensure continuity of care and minimize non-medical switching

Improve patient outcomes and satisfaction

What will my team learn in the PACS program?

Module 1 lays the foundation for understanding the prior authorization landscape. This module goes over what prior authorization is, how it came to be, and who is involved in this utilization management process.
Module 2 covers insurance policies, payments, and copay assistance. Processing prior authorization requires knowledge of federal, state, and commercial health insurance, drug tiering, formularies, and determining insurance eligibility. To help understand patients who cannot afford prescriptions, there are patient assistance programs and copay programs designed to help patients gain access to necessary medications.
Module 3 mitigates risk surrounding compliance standards in the industry by reinforcing law and ethical practice. For reimbursement, it is expected that authorization professionals protect patient information to the standard of HIPAA and ensure accurate coding.
Module 4 explains in detail the components of the medical record and prescription to aid in the authorization process. Valuable information is conveyed in these documents and can help the authorization find information efficiently and successfully.
Module 5 focuses in the value of medical documentation and coding to apply to the prior authorization request. Understanding the ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes as well as medically accepted indications and medical necessity will support the authorization process.
Module 6 provides in-depth explanations of the communication methods for the prior authorization process. Effective communication with the payer is imperative for submitting a prior authorization and receiving updated status for the patient.
Module 7 takes a step-wise approach to the submissions of prior authorization for both medical benefits and prescription benefits. This approach is from the provider perspective to ensure all steps are appropriately taken and the risk of denial is minimized.
Module 8 covers the broad scope of specialties and clinical practice which require authorization. Some services require additional attention, including diagnostic and interventional radiology, oncology, specialty medication, infusion services, J code medications, durable medical equipment, and various therapies. The function is not to memorize the special cases, but to critically think through the workflows.
Module 9 provides guidance on how to request and achieve an out of network waiver for special cases. This is particularly important for patients who experience limited accessibility and mobility or require particular specialists.
Module 10 discusses the frequent coverage determinations for medication claims that require additional considerations. This includes quantity limits, tier exceptions, step therapy, step therapy exceptions, and non-formulary exceptions. Considerations are also made for high-risk medications, opioids, Medicare Part B vs Part D, End Stage Renal Disease, hospice, and Drug Utilization Reviews.
Module 11 describes the denial process and how to overturn the decision with an appeal. Strategic methods exist to review the application for authorization and to appeal with success.
Module 12 presents the future of prior authorizations on a macro level and opportunities in the field as an individual. Prior authorizations continue to expand as the healthcare industry adapts to new challenges.

Did you Know?

66% of prescriptions rejected at the pharmacy require a Prior Auth and 36% of those prescriptions are abandoned.

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