An annual attestation of your knowledge of compliance standards will set you apart from your peers. This course helps mitigate risk associated with breaches in privacy, security, and ethics.
Establish a baseline knowledge for professionals in life sciences as well as healthcare
Distinguish professionals who establish a reliable working knowledge of compliance
Prioritize patient needs and privacy
Aid the public and employers by supplying the means to identify quality professionals
Why use NBPAS's Healthcare Compliance Attestation Course?
Learn how you want, when you want. All of our content is self-paced, online and mobile ready
Our customers describe our organization as credible and trustworthy
We use a cutting-edge learning management system to help users maximize learning
Our program is comprehensive and interactive developed by professionals in the field
Total Cost: $39.99
The average time to complete the HIPAA Privacy and Security course is about 90 minutes.
After going through this Compliance Attestation the information was thorough, but I like it in this current format because it looks more modern and is definitely more interactive throughout.
I loved the little scenarios where you pick what to say when talking to the nurse. Simple but effective to see if you grasp the information. I also loved the flash cards and matching games.
I like the Tips for Success! They quickly summarize what applies to my daily activities. My opinion on this training was that the information is very informative and very helpful as it combined the usual HIPPA and Security with Fraud and Abuse and other compliance topics.. If I remember correctly, my past training had all of these separated.
I believe that it is a very thorough and engaging presentation of healthcare compliance.